من أنا

Giza, Egypt
بفكر واقصّـر في التفكير فارجع أكفر عن تقصيري وأفكر ..أكتر ولما أتعب م التفكير ..بحاول اكتب كلها محاولات.. وأنت بس اللي ممكن تقولي انا قد ايه قربت منك؟ -قد ايه نجحت؟- أو قد ايه بعدت؟.. -قد ايه فشلت؟- بس الحاجه اللي نفـسي اكتبها اوي اوي..لسه فكرتها مجتليش..ولو جت ..هادور على غيرها لانها اكيد مش هاتبقى هيّ
يتم التشغيل بواسطة Blogger.

Sea shell: May be...

May be,
I got a broken soul,
That I need to fix.
May be,
I love to pay,
For every n’ each laugh,
I ever stole.

May be
that “broken thing”,
Is the only “thing” that fits.

May be,
That what was meant
By growin’ up,
And stayin’ no small.
Leavin’ your heart,
Your beats,
And your childish life,
the only life you know,
Leavin’ them all.

May be ,
I love to dance.
Coz the land won’t stand still.
May be ,
I’m the one
Who would never stand that “still”.

Can’t remember,
When was the last time,
I used the tense “I will”.

Can’t remember,
When was the last time,
I got the eager to love,
To do,
To fight n’ kill.

Can’t remember
What was  the difference between,
heaven and hell.

Can’t remember,
Did I love what I saw?
When I ran up the hill
I was there
Down there,
by the shore of life
Like a dumbed shell.

It’s no good
To stay alarmed
When you tend to lose.

But may be,
 the only excuse
Is …
Sometimes we only got passion to live
When we got no more to lose.

May be…

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